“Ole popey got the nazis to clean up their messes, in exchange for gold and paintings, he gave them new addresses… clean up your messes” shaun ryder ‘reverend black grape
So Britain is a third world country according to ole popey’s aides… so you’re not coming now are you? i never realised he his holiness was referred to as ‘the holy c’ – what the ffff! did you read that article about the letter in Guardian signed by Stephen Fry, Richard Dawkins et al. I think the crux of the argument is that the pope is essentially not a head of state, he is a religious leader… and we should be receiving him as such… but it don’t work like that does it?
I had no idea that the Vatican sat in on world leader’s summits… but then i don’t know a lot of things.
Trident’s being delayed till just after the next election… so they said they were going to do it and have decided otherwise because they think it’s the wrong thing to do. – how forward thinking of them. doesn’t sound politically motivated at all. tories rule OK.
Jesus, too many biscuits today… specially them ginger creams!! Ooh, check out this site I just got that image from – they’ve got biscuit of the week on there and everything!
My whole morning has been consumed with the pope’s arrival… i tell you i really can’t contain my excitement, i really can’t.
Listening to zed bias new FACT podcast with the pope’s arrival commentary in the background. how web 2.0 am i?!
Listening to zed bias new FACT podcast with the pope’s arrival commentary in the background. how web 2.0 am i?!
Jesus, just heard the queen’s speech to popey “and for the christian contribution to world peace…”. Ummm… yeah mate. Funniest thing I hear all morning which amused my juvenile little mind when they were talking about whether the pope would kiss the ground when he arrived: “an 83 year old man, is not going to go down…”… sorry about that…
OK, moving on – not wanting to waste anymore of our lives on all things religious – i’ve probably riled someone already… christ, what if that guys reading this who took issue with my jesus in a dog’s arse issue last year.
Sorry, one final quote I’ve just read on the book of fakes. “That Catholic Biship who just made the Heathrow comment should watch what I just watched, ‘The big school lottery’, and sit down in Rome v quietly…….”
So today, September the 16th is Carrier piegeon vs Broadband day – as if you didn’t already know – they’re going head to head today to see who’s fastest… and the odds are on the pigeon!! I may go place my bet right now actually.
I believe we need stricter controls of Dihydrogen Monoxide – NOW!
I know I’m a bit late on it but I’ve just discovered – data visualisation. I love it – right up my street (no I’m not going to right strasse, I won’t, I just won’t!). Ooh, I want this Colours In Culture poster now.
So, someone want to tell me what the hell was going with Messi on Hackney Marshes yesterday?! Hackney Marshes… why the hell don’t they put on more festivals there. This was the conversation I was having the other day. Essential festival there a long time ago there was ace.
License fee frozen… all very well to advocate it – and i do - but when you’ve just forked out 150 quid recently and realise you barely watch it… apart from the news & 6music (ooh you liberal you)… I kind of think there should be some sort of tiered system. Anyway, Wil’s overhaul of the license fee will be delivered to Mr Thompson next week.
Thing on CH4 last night (as he argues above he never watches tv) about basics vegetables… and how they’re no worse than the taste the difference… apart from in looks. Kind of like me, I guess.
Really interesting video about Detroit and the young uns creating the new Detroit on their own terms. I’ve always wanted to go to Detroit, now I wanna go even more.
What with popey arriving, i thought to keep it topical and set up me own religious blog. This is THE REAL RANSOM NOTE!! – long live THE RANSOM NOTE. Down with!
Amazing, make your own Jackson Pollock painting!
7 x 13 = 28
7 x 13 = 28
London Open House this weekend… get involved.
Internet Explorer 9 – the amazing new platform… only available on Windows. Damn!!
Have you checked out Ross Allen’s testpressing blog? Really good. Ace article on acid house from Record Mirror scanned on there.
Have you checked out Ross Allen’s testpressing blog? Really good. Ace article on acid house from Record Mirror scanned on there.
Mr Macri was showing me earlier this week how someone had written ‘lunch tomorrow’ in a text message and then his iphone had created a link to ‘add to calendar’ – handy… but sinister!
Man attempting to rob bank gets convinced to take out loan
Via L. Hives:
tweet from a random: The boss is busy today. He told us to entertain ourselves.
Did you know that Greenland is, by area, the world’s largest island that is not a continent. With a population of 56,452 (January, 2010 estimate) it is the least densely populated dependency or country in the world. Oh you did? I did not. Life is interesting.
One for Rob – cat not very good (i will not say sucks, i am no americanos) at duck hunt
I want this inflatable Haring… it is a little out of my price range tho.
It's official acid, k and mushrooms are now good for you…. um, yeah ok!
I know this doesn’t affect many people but jesus, BT and their port blocking is really fffin me off. They’re blocking certain email ports so you actually can’t send mails out. Alright Wil, alright.
Oh quickly, Lionel says: “there’s far worse than this in the charts and we should buy ‘being a dickhead’s cool.” OK.
Right then, out of here…
If you’re interested in getting involved with us, be it writing, stupidness or you simply have something you want to impart to the rest of the world, please get in touch with me here wil
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